Thursday Nov 02, 2023

5 Things to Know About Postpartum Loneliness

Welcome to the New Mom Naturopath Podcast, your go-to resource for holistic health and well-being during the transformative journey of motherhood. In this episode, "5 Things You Need to Know About Postpartum Loneliness," host Dr. Kailyn Galloway explores essential strategies to recognize, cope, and overcome postpartum loneliness. Whether you're a new mom or preparing for motherhood, this episode offers invaluable insights to help you navigate this challenging phase.

Dr. Galloway delves into topics such as educating yourself about postpartum loneliness, fostering open communication with your support network, creating a nurturing environment for you and your baby, and prioritizing your mental health. She also shares practical tips, including must-have items for postpartum and convenient journaling methods that can be adapted even when you have no hands to write with. 

Five things to know about postpartum loneliness 

1) Educate yourself 

This a time when you will have physical aches and changes, but emotional and mental, that will be vastly different. 

2) Talk to those around you about it 

Let everyone around you know that you need support and how they can support you best. 

3) Have a must-do list 

Have a bare minimum of what you need to get done in a day to feel like you. And allow this to change over time. 

4) Create a space for yourself 

Make a space in your home that you will feel safe and comforted. 

5) Find a ways to journal to support your mental health. 

Journal and make space for your mental health. 

Don't miss out on these actionable steps to combat postpartum loneliness and enhance your well-being as a new mom. Subscribe, rate, and leave a review to support our podcast and help other moms like you discover this valuable content.


*Are you worried you won't be able to prioritize yourself this time? Want to break generational patterns and be the mom your child deserves?*

I am excited to introduce the New Mom Naturopath coaching program. With this 1:1 coaching experience, I walk you through each week of the postpartum period, providing the mental coaching you need to thrive as a new mom. Interested in working with me? Click here -->  Sign up for a Free Postpartum Support Call


*Interested in getting coached by me? Contact me at


*Want to get my free workshop on how to plan for postpartum? Visit 


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