Thursday May 09, 2024

84 | 3 Reason an Oversupply of Milk is curse and not a blessing

Introduction to Oversupply:

It’s common to stress over every drop of milk you produce. Watching those pumping sessions closely and seeing only a few ounces can be disheartening, especially when it feels like everyone else has a freezer full of milk. You might think having an oversupply would make life easier, but let's unpack why it can actually be quite the opposite.

I personally had a significant oversupply, and trust me, it was nothing short of chaotic. It was messy—milk leaked on everything all the time, leading to constant discomfort and a never-ending laundry pile.

The Downsides of Having Too Much Milk:

  1. The Mess Factor: 
  2. Increased Risk of Clogged Ducts: 
  3. Greater Susceptibility to Mastitis: 

Reducing milk supply intentionally can be a delicate and frustrating process. I'll discuss some strategies that might help, but remember, it's often a trial-and-error journey.

While it might seem like having an excess of milk would ease all your breastfeeding woes, the reality can be much more complicated. Today's talk is all about shedding light on the less-discussed aspects of having too much milk and offering support and understanding to those who are experiencing these challenges.

If you're struggling with oversupply or just curious about the realities behind it, this episode is meant to provide you with insights and hopefully some relief in knowing you're not alone in this.

Thank you for tuning in. Remember, every mother's journey is unique, and while challenges can arise, you are doing an incredible job. Keep going, and know that we’re here to support you every step of the way. Until next time, take care of yourself and your little one!


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