Monday May 27, 2024

89 | Struggling with Fatigue in Postpartum? 3 Tips for Increasing Your Energy Right Now

Show Notes for Episode 89: Struggling with Fatigue in Postpartum? 3 Tips for Increasing Your Energy Right Now


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Hey, Mama, today, we're addressing a common challenge that nearly every new mom faces: postpartum extreme fatigue. It’s totally normal to feel exhausted after childbirth, but that doesn't make it any easier to handle, especially when you're caring for a newborn. In this episode, we'll explore practical strategies to help you boost your energy and manage fatigue during this intense time.

Fatigue is expected in the postpartum period, but understanding your personal limits is crucial. Recognizing and accepting these limits can prevent overexertion and help manage your energy better.

Here’s What We’ll Cover Today:

  • Realize Your Limits: We discuss the importance of listening to your body and respecting its signals. Learning to pace yourself can help preserve energy throughout the day.
  • Maintain Routines Like Your Newborn: Just as routines are beneficial for babies, they can also help you. Structuring your day around predictable patterns can reduce stress and help you manage time and energy more effectively.
  • Easy Access to Nutrition: Keeping nutritious snacks and meals within easy reach is vital. We’ll talk about setting up your space so that fueling your body becomes a seamless part of your day, helping to maintain your energy levels.


And a bonus tip to help you along the way! 


Thank you for joining today. Remember, it's okay to feel tired as a new mom, but there are ways to help manage it. You're doing an incredible job, and with a bit of planning and self-care, you can regain some of that much-needed energy.

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