Monday Jun 03, 2024

91 | Week 1 of Postpartum Guide

91  - Postpartum Week 1 

Podcast Show Notes:


Episode Title: Navigating the Fourth Trimester: Week 1 Insights


Host: Dr. Kailyn Galloway



In this inaugural episode of our 12-part series, Dr. Kaylin Galloway dives deep into the first week of the postpartum period, guiding new moms through the physiological changes, emotional challenges, and infant developmental milestones that occur during this critical time. 


Key Takeaways:

  1. Postpartum Physiology: Learn about the significant physiological changes in your body, including heart rate fluctuations, blood pressure changes, and hormone drops.
  2. Emotional Well-being: Dr. Galloway discusses the common mental and emotional challenges new mothers face and provides practical tips for managing anxiety and stress.
  3. Infant Development: Understand the developmental milestones of your newborn, from their sleep patterns to their reflexes.
  4. Breastfeeding Insights: Explore the dynamics of milk production, the importance of nipple stimulation, and managing common breastfeeding challenges.
  5. Postpartum Self-Care: Discover strategies for self-care, managing postpartum bleeding (lochia), and the importance of hydration and nutrition.


Special Announcement:

Dr. Galloway is offering five free slots for her New Mom Anxiety Coaching calls. These one-on-one sessions will help you address issues like anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, and more. 

Click Here  to book your session   


Resources Mentioned:

- Episode on how the body produces milk postpartum

- Tips for anxious first-time moms about diapers

- Breastfeeding tips for when you want to give up

- Navigating the first two weeks postpartum

- Overview of hormonal and physiological changes postpartum


Connect with Dr. Kailyn Galloway:

- Website:

- E-mail:

- Follow on Instagram and Facebook for more tips and support


Listener Action Items:

- Share this episode with a friend or family member going through postpartum.

- Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts to let us know how the show is helping you.

- Remember, it's okay to set the crying baby down and take time for yourself.


Next Episode:

Join us next time as we delve into Week 2 of the postpartum period, covering more about your body’s recovery and your baby’s development. 


Subscribe and Stay Updated:

Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to The New Mom Naturopath Podcast for more insights and support through your postpartum journey.



Thank you for tuning in! Take care of yourself, and we'll see you in the next episode.

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