Thursday Nov 30, 2023

Why I Hate the 5 5 5 Rule of Postpartum

Show Notes for "New Mom Naturopath" Podcast
Episode Title: Why I Hate the 5 5 5 Rule for Postpartum Moms!
Host: Dr. Kailyn Galloway


  • Welcome to the "New Mom Naturopath" podcast.
  • Host Dr. Kailyn Galloway, a postpartum support coach, introduces today's topic: the 5 5 5 rule in postpartum care and why she disagrees with it.

Segment 1: Understanding the 5 5 5 Rule

  • Explanation of what the 5 5 5 rule entails: first five days in the bed, 2nd five days on the bed, and third five days around the bed.  
  • Discussion on how the rule emphasizes rest and self-care for new moms.

Segment 2: The Appealing Side of the 5 5 5 Rule

  • Benefits of the rule: highlighting the importance of rest during the postpartum period and prioritizing the mother's needs
  • Make an emphasize on rest for new moms so their bodies can focus on healing. 

Segment 3: Dr. Galloway's Concerns with the Rule

  • Reduced Movement: Concerns about how the rule limits physical activity, potentially negatively impacting physical and mental health.
  • One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Discuss how postpartum experiences vary and why rigid rules may not suit every new mother.
  • Unrealistic Expectations: Addressing the assumption of having extensive support, such as maids or a doula, which isn't feasible for many new moms.


  • You need flexibility as a new mom and a more personalized approach to postpartum care.
  • Encourage new moms to find what works best for their unique situation and family. 


  • Gratitude for joining the podcast and for the encouragement to share thoughts, experiences, or questions.
  • This is a reminder to embrace each individual's unique journey through motherhood.

Keywords for SEO:

Postpartum care, 5 5 5 rule, new mothers, postpartum support, maternal health, individualized care, motherhood journey, postpartum recovery, mental health postpartum, physical health postpartum, postpartum lifestyle, new mom challenges.

Keywords for SEO:
Postpartum care, 5 5 5 rule, new mothers, postpartum support, maternal health, individualized care, motherhood journey, postpartum recovery, mental health postpartum, physical health postpartum, postpartum lifestyle, new mom challenges.


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